EN1E (1st & 2nd Class Engineer
License Preparation)
This Course Can be Taken Online or In-Person
48 clock hours
Must already be in the profession to be eligible for this course
Objective: This course prepares students for the1st and 2nd Class Engineer exams to operate and manage steam power plants. Additionally, students will receive a 30-hour Continuing Education Certification for license renewal.
Course Outline:
The program can be completed in 16 weeks
48 clock hours
Must already be in the profession to be eligible for this course
Objective: This course prepares students for the1st and 2nd Class Engineer exams to operate and manage steam power plants. Additionally, students will receive a 30-hour Continuing Education Certification for license renewal.
Course Outline:
- Math, simplified physics, chemistry and thermodynamics.
- Combustion, Metallurgy and chemical treatment
- Power plant calculations: efficiency, heat rate, steam rate, horsepower, steam pipesizing, heat recovery, blow down equipment sizing and more.
- Construction, operation, repairs and maintenance of boilers, steam turbines, gasturbines and generators.
- Pump principles: selection, application and maintenance.
- American Society Mechanical Engineers (ASME) applicable codes, National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), and related Massachusetts laws, regulations and codes.
- Water Treatment
- Turbines, condensors and generators
- Oral exam preparation and practice.
The program can be completed in 16 weeks
Class Schedule
Location: Oxford Days: TBD by semester Click Here For Class Starting Date Times: 6:00PM to 9:00PM. Fees: Contact us |
Location: Online Days: Anytime Class Begins: Anytime Times: Anytime Fees: Contact us |